"Play as both Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic in the ultimate Sonic experience. Master the moves of each character as they race through each environment on their own specially designed track."
Converted to PC by Devil's Details.
"Sega's highly anticipated squad shooter Binary Domain with it's unique blend of story and setting will be coming to PC in 2012. An original game from Sega by the team behind the Yakuza series."
Converted to PC by Devil's Details.
Become supreme commander of the not-so-heavy artillery and take the battle to the table top (or wherever you want) with the Vita's amazing AR technology...
An original product by Devil's Details Ltd.
"The top players in the world return, joined by some of the most exciting up-and-coming contenders."
Converted to PC by Devil's Details Ltd.
Thanks to Top Darts on PlayStation Vita, you can now take your own dartboard anywhere and everywhere. Whether you're a big darts fan or a new player, the game includes a short tutorial so you can get to grips with a range of...
An original product by Devil's Details Ltd.
Top Darts brings everyone's favourite darts games to life using Sony's Move Controller married to stunning 1080p / 60hz graphics, DTS sound and the Voice of Darts...
An original product by Devil's Details Ltd.
Jellybelly Ballistic Beans
Published by Zoo Digital Publishing and developed in conjunction with Weasletron Entertainment Ltd.
Released on PS2 and PC in March 2009, work involved PS2 port of PC Engine with Engine & Tool programming.
Nutrition Matters
Devil's Details handled all aspects of developing and implementing the title, including contracting and managing outsourcing partners.
505 Games provided strong direction for the product, which we were happy to be guided by.
Devil's Details helped to secure the deal for Eiconic Ltd and then provided services to back up their resource network.
Technical work included Platform Porting with Gameplay, Shader and Effects progamming.
Released in 2009 on XBox 360, PS3, Wii and PC.
Developed in conjunction with Razorworks Ltd, Devils Details was responsible for porting game and rendering code to PS2.
Published by Empire Interactive September in 2008.